Donna Martinson
Donna Martinson has been tap dancing since she was four. She has fond memories of dancing at that age at Corbett Hall in Edmonton, dressed as a penguin. From that time forward, she performed, competed and appeared on local television programs in Edmonton. For several years she was a "guest artist" on the Associated Canadian Traveller's Search for Talent Show, which travelled to communities in central Alberta. She operated the Donna Martinson School of Baton and Dance, teaching tap and baton. She continued to teach and perform while studying for her law degree at the University of Alberta.
Donna did not dance for many years while she focused on her law career. However, in 2002 she realized how important dancing was to her and joined Razzmatap. She loves the challenge of performing and competing, values the friendships she as formed and is always impressed by the creative and inspiring teaching and choreography of Jan Kainer. Donna is a retired judge of the British Columbia Supreme Court and volunteers her time educating law students, lawyers and judges about equality issues, with a focus on equality for women and children.